act: Accessible Culture & Training
enero 31st, 2017 Posted by Transit Projectes No Comment yetact
Accessible Culture and Training
Year: 2015 – 2018…
Territory: Europe
Links: | #access4culture
Accessibility plays a major role in modern knowledge-based Information societies. The potential of Accessibility through ICT and Assistive Technologies (AT) for inclusion and participation of all citizens are increasingly growing, allowing for a full integration in everyday life. The proportion of people depending on Accessibility (15% in 2013) increases and EU demography shows the growing tendency to Accessibility dependency for its ageing population. National as well as European legislation supporting eAccessibility is in place and the UN-Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the most powerful, global expression in support of Inclusion and Equality, has a clear focus on eAccessibility, AT and Design for All.
The time has come to establish the new professional profile of media accessibility expert/manager, and its training. Full participation of all citizens in cultural events – as end users or participants – should become part of their daily life as for people without disabilities, restoring the concept of equal opportunity and Human Right of access to culture.
Within the framework of the ACT project (Accessible Culture and Training), the TransMedia Catalonia research group has led the development of a «Massive Open Online Course» (MOOC) on accessibility management in the scenic arts. The objective of this free course is to train future managers in accessibility for theaters and cultural venues. The course has been developed by ACT project partners: UAB, University of Antwerp, University of Vienna, Queen’s University Belfast, ECQA, NTGent, Trànsit Projectes and the Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
More information on MOOC:
More information about the project:
The ACT project was co-funded by the ERASMUS + Programme of the European Union, and was implemented from September 2015 to August 2018 (project code 2015-1-ES01-KA203-015734).